Celebrating the Year of the Dragon — Embracing Traditions and Cultural Richness

As we usher in the Chinese New Year, our school community is thrilled to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, a symbol of strength, courage, and good fortune. This vibrant festival, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, marks a time of joy, renewal, and hope, embodying the rich tapestry of traditions and cultural practices that enrich our global community.

The Dragon, revered for its nobility and power, encourages us to approach the year ahead with bravery and optimism. It's a call to embody the dragon's spirit, facing challenges with resilience and embracing opportunities with enthusiasm.

Cultural Immersion and Learning

In honor of this auspicious occasion, our classrooms plan activities designed to immerse our students in the traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year. Through art, music, storytelling, and culinary experiences, we aim to deepen our understanding of this significant cultural celebration and foster an environment of inclusivity and respect for diverse cultures.

A Call to Unity and Renewal

As we celebrate, let us also reflect on the values of unity, renewal, and compassion that the Chinese New Year promotes. It's an opportunity to come together as a community, to learn from one another, and to look forward with hope and determination.

In embracing these celebrations, we not only honor the cultural heritage of our Chinese students, staff, and their families but also enrich our own perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and understanding school environment.

Wishing You a Prosperous Year Ahead

To everyone celebrating, we extend our warmest wishes for a prosperous, joyful, and healthy Year of the Dragon. May this new year bring you and your loved ones happiness, success, and well-being.

Let's embrace this time of renewal with open hearts and minds, ready to learn, grow, and thrive together in the spirit of the Dragon.

Happy Chinese New Year!


Safely Viewing the Eclipse


Embracing Our Past, Shaping Our Future — Celebrating Black History Month